We are glad to announce the 3rd Edition of the International DAM WORLD Conference – DAMWORLD 2018, which will take place in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, on 17-21 September 2018. The conference is organized by IBRACON (Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto) and LNEC (Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil) - Portugal, every three years, with the support and partnership of CBDB (Comitê Brasileiro de Barragens) and CNPGB (Comissão Nacional Portuguesa de Grandes Barragens). We are preparing a differentiated program which will include high level scientific sessions, with well-known lecturers, one-day courses on September 17 and an differentiated technical visits to Itaipu DAM and other important dams in the region. The participants will also be able to enjoy sightseeing tours to the beautiful and famous Iguaçu Falls, both in Brazil and Argentina.
We invite all dam engineering professionals to participate in the event and share your valuable experience and achievements.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Foz do Iguaçu!
José Marques Filho and Túlio Nogueira Bittencourt
Conference Chairs