Foz do Iguaçu - 17 to 21 September 2018


Instructions to write articles

Download the template in Microsoft Word format - 60CBC2018
To download paper´s sample in Microsoft Word  - 60CBC2018

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It’s very important to respect the rules stablished by the organizing committee. Being careless when working on your article might devalue it, because images and paragraphs might be cut when generating the final volume of the event, in addition to conveying to the reader an image of lack of care.

Important tips
Adding images vs. The file size is too large
The system is prepared to receive files up to 5MB. However, depending on your internet connection, it might take too long to upload a file larger than 2MB, and connection errors might corrupt your file.
To minimize this issue, we elaborated a guide to edit images in order to have files with high quality image, but not too large:
The size of files with images can be reduced by reducing the size of images on a photo editing software (such as Corel Photo Paint, Photoshop and others), without losing the quality of images.

Overall, photos are taken using the maximum resolution of digital cameras, presuming the photos will be printed in a 10x15 size and photographic quality. However, when photos are added to articles, they are usually reduced to be in harmony with the text. In these cases, the original size is reduced by at least 45%.

If images are simply inserted into Word and reduced in it, the original size will be preserved, which cause the files to became very large.

We elaborated an example to illustrate the idea using 4 images in JPG format, with 1600x1200 pixels, with sizes 658KB, 1213KB, 1347KB and 613 KB, a total of 3,76MB.

When inserting the photos into the Word file, the size of the file was 3,9 MB. When we reduced the photos to 45% of their original size in Word, the file preserved its original size, 3,9MB.

When reducing the size of images using the “Resize” tool in Corel PhotoPaint 11, and adjusting its size to 45% of the original size, we get images in the conventional size to be inserted into Word. The images were saved as JPG again, with a 10% compaction, and had, respectively, the sizes 80KB, 145KB, 177KB and 54KB (a total of 453KB). These images were inserted into the Word file, which had only 478KB.

The most important aspect to highlight is that when you don’t reduce images using Word, the quality of images is even better than the original and the file size was 9 times smaller.

File size vs. Upload time

The time to upload files depends on the internet connection and file size.

When uploading a file, it’s common for users to get impatient, so they end up clicking on the send button again. When you do this, the upload will take longer, because the process restarts, or the file might be only partially uploaded to the server. Please wait until the system shows a message saying the file was uploaded or an error message.
