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IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal • 2012 • vol. 5 • nº 2
Application of iron ore mud in powder form in portland cement presence
did not vary. Figure 7 shows the specific mass increases as the
amount of sand replaced increases. Concrete with high values of
specific mass can be harmful when used in beams and columns,
longer recommended for floors and pavements.
3.6 Visual appearance (color comparison)
Note that a small amount of powdered iron ore is sufficient to confer
reddish color and can get a very strong red as in the case of total
replacement of sand (Figure 8). From the point of view of aesthetic,
is an interesting feature because it “breaks” the gray color of the pre-
dominant materials based on Portland cement. In addition, this fea-
ture could mean a financial gain, since the use of synthetic chemicals
for pigmentation raises the price of mortar and concrete artifacts.
4. Conclusions
4.1 Technical aspects
Among the additions of iron ore in powder, the addition of 8%
showed the best result, because their resistances tend to increase
at advanced ages and in all ages their resistances are higher than
the reference. Moreover, the consistency index was not harmed
and a smooth change of color (red) is realized.
Among the sand replacement, the replacement of 20% showed
the best result, because their resistances are higher than the ref-
erence, the consistency index and its specific mass were not af-
fected and showed good pigmentation.
On the other hand, the three replacements of cement had lower
resistances to the reference.
It is concluded that the use of mud of iron ore in powder form in
mortar is technically feasible, with better mechanical behavior
when applied to the addition of 8% (1: 3: 0.08) and to replace 20%
of the sand (1: 2.4: 0.6).
The replacement of sand in 60% and 100% had higher values
of specific mass and, therefore, are recommended for floors and
pavements. They also had a bad workability, but it can be cor-
rected with the use of chemicals.
4.2 Environmental aspects
Whenever a sector of an industry recycles waste generated by an-
other industry, it is said that there was an environmental gain in
the production process of the two sectors because there is a lower
demand for natural resources and energy. In this work, construc-
tion industries can reuse a waste generated by mining industries. It
helps to establish a “closed loop” of energy and natural resources,
which helps to minimize the environmental impact generated by
these processes.
4.3 Suggestions for future works
Study of practical application in cladding on walls using mortar
with mixture 1 : 3 : 0.08 (cement : sand : iron ore in powder);
Study of applications in concrete replacing 20% of fine aggre-
gate mass for iron ore in powder;
Leaching tests;
Economic feasibility study of the use of iron ore tailings.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors thank the Grupo Vale, CNPq and Federal University of
Mato Grosso do Sul for the financial support and supply of materials.
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