It’s quite important
to follow the established rules of the Organizing Committee.
Do not follow the instructions for the format properly can
undervalue your full paper; since figures, photographs
and paragraphs may be cropped or reduced during the material’s
final version development; besides it denotes
an aspect of negligence to the reader.
Important Tips
Inserting photos X large files
The system is prepared to receive files less than 10MB. Nevertheless, depending on the quality of your Internet connection, the upload of a file which exceeds 2MB might take a long time and may corrupt your file.
Trying to minimize this problem, we have elaborated a script for photos edition in order to get documents and photos in high quality, which do not oversized:
The size of the files that contain photos can sufficiently be reduced by means of reducing the size of the photos, using Corel Photo Paint, PhotoShop or similar image edition program, and still retaining the quality.
People usually take pictures using maximum resolution of the digital cameras planning on printing large images (10x15), and yet maintaining quality. However, when such photos are inserted into a document, they usually have their physical size reduced in order to make them fit the page better.
Therefore, you should never insert the image in its original size (resolution). Otherwise you will have a large file size as a result..
Taking as an example, 4 JPG images with resolution 1600x200 pixels and physical size 658 KB,1213KB, 1374 KB e 613KB - 3,76 MB total. If you insert them into a word document you will have a 3,9MB file as a result. If you reduce the images size choosing a percentage of 45% of their original size into the word document, the file will be the same 3,9MB. Reducing the images at least 45% of their original size using the Corel PhotoPaint 11 (image edition program), you will get them ready to be inserted into a Word document. The images saved as JPG have been 10% reduced, with 80KB, 145KB, 177KB e 54KB respectively, and the document shrank to 478 KB.
By reducing images in this manner, the quality of photos gets better than the original. In addition, it was possible to cut down on file 9 times of its size.
File size X time to upload
This table below contains time values to upload files in function of the Internet connection and files size. Depending on the Internet performance, the uploads can even take much more time.

It’s quite common the user becomes impatient during the upload. He may end up clicking twice on the “send” button. If it happens, the upload process will take much longer because, either the process is restarted, or the file can be partially placed in the server. Please wait until the system indicates a “successfully uploaded” message or an error message.