Vol 2 - Num.
1 - September/2006 |
of Pozzolanic Activity and Inhibition of the Alkali-Aggregate
Reaction in Highly Reactive Pozzolans
Evaluation of Pozzolanic Activity
and Inhibition of the Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Highly
Reactive Pozzolans
Full Paper:
This paper presents the results of an experimental study
developed at the Federal University of Pará and
at Furnas
Centrais Elétricas S.A. The study aimed to investigate
the reactivity of three highly reactive pozzolans: silica
fume, rice
husk-ash and metakaolinite, by determining the incorporation
content of each for remotion of all the calcium hydroxide
(CH) and for reduction the alkali-aggregate reaction.
At the evaluation of the CH consumption, pastes with pozzolan
lime were cast in different proportions and observing
compressive strength values in mini test specimens, correlating
the former with the calcium hydroxide contents of those
pastes. The expansive behavior originating from the alkali-aggregate
reaction was assessed in the presence of reactive Pyrex-type
glass, by means of mortar bars in the presence of
the three studied pozzolans, employing the ASTM C-1260
accelerated method. In this test, the pozzolans were employed
with contents of 4%, 8%, 12% and 16%, in addition to the
reference sample. The results obtained indicated that
silica fume and the metakaolinite were the pozzolans with
greater pozzolanic activity as well as the most effective
the reduction of expansions caused by the Pyrex glass
reactivity. For total elimination of CH the optimum substitution
contents were around 22%, while for the rice husk-ash
30% were required. In expansion reduction, contents of
8% of
pozzolans were considered effective by mortar-accelerated
Keywords: alkali-aggregate reaction, calcium hydroxide,
expansion, metakaolinite, pozzolan, reactivity, rice husk-ash,
silica fume.
Copyright © 2006 IBRACON. All rights
Analysis on HPC with Very High Contents of Mineral Additions
(Part I)
Mix Proportion and Carbonation
Critical Analysis on HPC with Very
High Contents of Mineral Additions (Part I)
Mix Proportion and Carbonation
Full Paper:
The increasing number of researches and concrete structures
made with HPC containing high contents of cement substitution
(above 50%, by mass) by mineral additions, has revealed
apprehension among some researches on topics related
to durability of these concretes, especially carbonation,
due to parameters used in the mix proportions. According
the low cement content combined with the great amount
of mineral additions would induce increase in total
water content
that, in spite of the lower water/cementitious materials
ratio, would carry higher carbonation, possible leaching
durability loss. This paper presents critical analysis
concerning to these subjects, showing data of researches
by the authors, compared with others published by the
literature. It is demonstrated that lower cement content,
total water per m³ of concrete, although entailing
consequences to carbonation, preventive actions may
overcome these
inconveniences in order to limit possible side effects,
inducing the attainment of durable concretes, in such
mix proportion
conditions. The addition of hydrated lime to the concrete
mixtures in order to replace the alkaline reserve and
possibility of the cement paste lixiviation is also
Keywords: mix proportion, carbonation, mineral
additions, high contents, calcium hydroxide
Copyright © 2006 IBRACON. All rights
Influence of Testing Procedure on the Shrinkage
of a High-Strength Concrete
Influence of Testing Procedure on the Shrinkage
of a High-Strength ConcreteS
Full Paper:
S. B. SANTOS, A. S. Liduário,
E. A. Gambale, M. A. S. Andrade
Concrete shrinkage is both a simple phenomenon in regard
to its manifestations – a reduction of apparent concrete
volume – as well as a complex one when its causes are
to be understood. As a consequence, the depiction of
this phenomenon by means of tests generates behavioral
doubts as to their results, as there is no single way
of representing it. There are basically two ways of
representing drying shrinkage: with and without immersion
in the first 28 days after casting, stripping and test
specimen curing.
This study aims to evaluate the effects caused in drying
shrinkage by the immersion cure of high-strength concrete
(HSC) in a saturated solution of water and lime as referred
to in ASTM C157, and for the same high-strength concrete
mixture performed without solution immersion. The purpose
is to compare both test results and study their applicability
and restrictions.
Finally, a further aim is to verify how the procedures
for measuring shrinkage strains may influence the results,
since mechanical reading equipment was used with of
pins set into the test specimens, as well as an electrical
Carlson strain meters.
These investigations are part of a future evaluation
of test procedures designed and performed by the Concrete
Laboratory of Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A,
based in the state of Goiás, Brazil, which may
become the focus of a future change in the Mercosul
Standard - NM131 and therefore an improvement of the
test and its possible interpretations.
Keywords: Autogenous Shrinkage; Drying Shrinkage;
High-Strength Concrete; Tests.
Copyright © 2006 IBRACON. All rights
Multivariate Analysis of the Variables Influencing
the Form of the Chloride Profile in Reinforced Concrete
Structures Exposed to a Tropical Marine Climate
Análisis Multivariado de las Variables
que Influyen en la Forma de los Perfiles de Concentración
de Cloruro en Estructuras de Hormigón Armado Expuestas
a un Clima Tropical Marino
Full Paper:  Trabalho Completo:
Chlorides coming from the marine breeze are the main
cause of corrosion and deterioration of the structures
in marine environment.
On the other hand, the interpretation of their concentration
profile is an important tool to predict future behavior
of the structure and to take preventive/corrective actions.
Such profiles are commonly interpreted through mathematical
tools and the exposure environment is one of the heaviest
variables in the resulting predictions. Because of the
complexity of the species transport phenomena associated
to the predictions, there is no enough consensus when
explaining results obtained under different circumstances
and materials.
The multivariate analysis is applied in this work as
a tool to validate the interpretation of the form of
the chloride concentration profile of concrete as well
as to show its dependency with several parameters such
as the direction and incidence of dominant winds, the
blocking to the marine breeze and the wet and dry process
in the substructure of the Turigüanó.Cayo
Coco viaduct bridges.
An association of the different variables in groups
allowed obtaining a dendogram that confirmed: more influence
of chloride penetration in the elements located to the
East side, and in coincidence with the dominant winds;
the existence of a peak in the
concentration profile of the closest external beams¨
parts that would be associated to the wet and dry process
of the elements; the existence of a blocking to the
marine breeze that promotes lesser affection by the
chlorides in the central beams and North sides from
the bridges than on other parts.
Keywords: Chloride, corrosion, concrete, marine
environment, multivariate analysis.
Los cloruros provenientes de la brisa marina son
la principal causa de corrosión y deterioro de
las estructuras en ambientes marino.
El estudio e interpretación de sus perfiles de
penetración son valiosas herramientas para predecir
el comportamiento futuro de la estructura y tomar medidas
preventivas/correctivas. Dichos perfiles son comúnmente
interpretados a través de herramientas matemáticas,
siendo el ambiente de exposición una de las variables
con mayor peso en las predicciones Dada la complejidad
de los fenómenos de transporte asociados a la
predicción no existe aún consenso al momento
de explicar los resultados obtenidos bajo circunstancias
y materiales diferentes.
Este trabajo aplica el análisis multivariado
como una herramienta para validar la interpretación
de la forma del perfil de concentración de cloruros
del hormigón y demostrar la dependencia de la
dirección e incidencia de los vientos, del apantallamiento
y del proceso de mojado y secado en la estructura de
los puentes del Pedraplén Turiguanó –
Cayo Coco.
Se obtuvo un dendograma, en el que se asocian las diferentes
variables en grupos, que permitió confirmar:
que los elementos ubicados al lado Este, coincidentes
con la dirección de los vientos predominantes,
se encuentran mas afectados por la penetración
del ion cloruro; la existencia de un pico en los porcentajes
de cloruros cercanos a la cara exterior de las vigas,
que pudiera estar asociado al efecto de mojado y secado
en los elementos; la existencia de un efecto de apantallamiento
que provoca que las vigas centrales y el lado norte
de estos puentes estén menos afectados por el
ion cloruro.
Palabras-clave: Cloruros, corrosión, hormigón,
ambiente marino, análisis multivariado.
Copyright © 2006 IBRACON. All rights
Assessment of Self-Compacting Concretes with and without
Viscosity Modify Admixture
Comparação de Propriedades
de Concretos Auto-Adensáveis com e sem Aditivo Modificador
de Viscosidade
Full Paper:  Trabalho Completo:
This paper aims to contribute to decisions concerning
the use of viscosity modifying agents (VMA), which can
be used as a
partial substitute for fines, the elements responsible
for increasing the resistance to segregation of self-compacting
(SCC). In this study, samples of SCC were prepared with
and without the addition of a VMA using the mix design
proposed by Tutikian [1]. It was observed that the addition
of a VMA increased compressive strength and in some
also lowered chloride ion penetration within the same
range of compressive strength values. It was also observed
that the
increased cost resulting from the use of a VMA was compensated
by the use of a poorer mix, with similar strength levels
Keywords: viscosity modify admixture (VMA), self-compacting
concrete (SCC), cost, design diagram, ion chloride
Este trabalho pretende dar uma contribuição
para a tomada de decisão do uso dos aditivos
modificadores de viscosidade
(VMA), já que este componente substitui parcialmente
os finos, responsáveis pela resistência
à segregação do concreto
auto-adensável (CAA). Foram dosados CAA com e
sem a presença do VMA, através do método
de dosagem proposto por
Tutikian [1]. Observou-se que o VMA aumentou as resistências
à compressão e diminuiu, em alguns casos,
a penetração
de íons cloretos, para a mesma faixa de resistência
à compressão. Observou-se, também,
que o aumento de custo
provocado pelo aditivo foi compensado pela utilização
de traços mais pobres, com os resultados finais
Palavras-chave: aditivo modificador de viscosidade
(VMA), concreto auto-adensável (CAA), custo,
diagrama de dosagem,
penetração de íons cloretos.
Copyright © 2006 IBRACON. All rights
Copyright © 2006. Ibracon. |