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IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal • 2012 • vol. 5 • nº 1
addition of fibers, latex and expanded vermiculite-term can be
noted. There was a reduction of more than 30% in stiffness.
In all mixtures, the application of roughness to the surface reduced
the stiffness of the pad; therefore, the RR pads present a better
result. The difference between the LL and RR pads reaches 30%
of reduction in stiffness. Analyzing once more the stiffness values
of the mixture PP12 in Figure 16, it is clear that, even though it has
been a difference between the values in the casting, there is not a
considerable difference between the stiffnesses for RR pads. The
after testing pads remained intact. (Figure 18).
b) Cyclic Loading 
For this test, 18 pads of each mixture were tested: six pads for
each type of roughness, as in the monotonic test. When ana-
lyzing the stiffnesses, there is a difference between the stress
of the mixture with fibers and the reference mixture in Figure
19, for the cycle subjected to stress of 10MPa and 20MPa.
Considering the average of the values found, it is possible to
state that the mixture PP12 obtained less stiffness than the
reference mixture. Figure 20 presents the difference between
the stiffness of 10MPa and 20MPa.
Figure 20 – Stiffness results comparing PP12 mixture and reference mixture
Figure 21 – Stiffness results comparing applied roughness